
Choose any 2 squares you want!

Practice writing/tracing
name or drawing circle,
cross, square and
Help an adult in your
house with cooking a
meal or snack by stirring,
measuring, or carrying
Sort household items into
containers using the
thumb and index finger
to pick up the item.
Ex. coins, Fruit Loops,
candy, etc.

Dinosaur Walk- stomp
across the room in zig
zags, circles, curved lines
and straight lines. 
Walk around like an
animal- make sure you go
over, under and around
things in your house.
(Try to be a bear, crab,
snake, frog, etc.)
Sing a song and make the
hand motions too!
Ex. The Itsy Bitsy Spider,
The Wheels on the Bus,
Pat-a-Cake, etc.

Help an adult put things
away, wash the table, set
the table, etc.

Color a picture.
Here’s a butterfly or
a frog!
Dance to music! Include
pausing the music and
calling out “freeze!” to
practice stopping quickly.
See what silly poses you
can freeze in.
Try modifying writing and coloring activities by having your child complete the activity in different positions. Check out these options. 

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December 10, 2021