Grade 1

Choose any 3 activities!

Build a fort out of pillows, blankets and furniture. *With adult supervision*

Write two sentences about what you did today. 
(see below)
Throw a ball (soft) back and forth with an adult. See how far you can throw!

Make a paper snowflake. 

Help with a chore. 
Help an adult in your house with cooking a meal or snack by stirring, measuring, or carrying ingredients.
Dinosaur Walk- stomp across the room in zig zags, circles, curved lines and straight lines. 

Push or pull a loaded laundry basket across the floor. 

Play a game with your parents and/or siblings.
Try modifying writing activities by having your child complete the activity in different positions. Check out these options. 

You can print this paper if you need to.

Don’t forget to use the right letter size!

Size Matters Handwriting Program

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